Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Our wings fly all the way down to Los Angeles!

I am very excited to announce the opening of (drum roll please...), Happily Ever Laughter - Los Angeles! After many, many requests from parents down south, we have finally extended our faerie family (and Pirates, and Mermaids...wow!) to the Los Angeles area.

You can meet our sparkly friends on our webpage here (just look under Los Angeles near the bottom of the page). Take a peek, there are lots of neat stories about who they are!

It has been quite the exciting journey. After holding Faerie summer camp (that is what we called our training down there, as it was so nice to be all warm and sun kissed after this foggy Bay Area summer!) for the past month, our Faeries are up and ready to fly!

Up, up, up...and away!

Ok...time to meet the Faeries!

Miss Crimson
Miss Piper
Miss Amelia (also part of our SF Bay Area family...she has strong wings!)

Misses Willow and Crimson twinkling their toes!